Cell Phones in the OR: A Cross‐Sectional Study of Norwegian Perioperative Nurses’ Knowledge, Practice, and Attitudes


Leonardsen Ann‐Chatrin Linqvist,Brevik Linda


ABSTRACTFew studies have focused on the use of cell phones in the OR. In Norway, researchers sought to assess perioperative nurses’ knowledge, practice, and attitudes associated with cell phone use in the OR and distributed a nationwide questionnaire via a social media platform. More than 80% of the 332 respondents thought that cell phones were contaminated and that pathogens could contaminate hands. Almost all respondents brought their phone to work; approximately 61% of respondents carried it in their pocket in the OR. Responses to questions about phone cleaning showed that 39 (11.7%) of the respondents routinely cleaned their phone before entering the OR and 33 (9.9%) of the respondents cleaned it when leaving the OR. Less than 20% of respondents indicated their facility had guidelines for cleaning personal cell phones. Opportunities for improvement in cell phone cleaning in ORs exist and additional research involving all perioperative team members is needed.



Reference41 articles.

1. Types of healthcare‐associated infections.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Reviewed March 26 2014. Accessed January 11 2024.https://www.cdc.gov/hai/infectiontypes.html

2. Healthcare‐associated infections: HAI data. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Reviewed October 5 2018. Accessed January 4 2024.https://www.cdc.gov/hai/data/index.html

3. Sykehus ‐ forekomst av helsetjenesteassosierte infeksjoner (HAIs) [Hospital ‐ incidence of healthcare‐associated infections (HAIs)]. The Norwegian Directorate of Health. Updated November 30 2023. Accessed January 11 2024.https://www.helsedirektoratet.no/statistikk/kvalitetsindikatorer/infeksjoner/forekomst‐av‐helsetjenesteassosierte‐infeksjoner‐i‐sykehus

4. The impact of healthcare associated infections on mortality and length of stay in Singapore—A time-varying analysis

5. Key facts and figures: World Hand Hygiene Day2021.World Health Organization. Accessed January 11 2024.https://www.who.int/campaigns/world‐hand‐hygiene‐day/2021/key‐facts‐and‐figures








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