1. Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technologies (IPHT) Jena Albert‐Einsteinstraße 9 07745 Jena Germany
2. Institute of Physical Chemistry and Abbe Center of PhotonicsFriedrich‐Schiller‐Universität Jena Lessingstraße 10 D‐07743 Jena Germany
3. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Macromolecular Chemistry (IOMC)Friedrich‐Schiller‐University Jena Lessingstraße 8 D‐07743 Jena Germany
4. Jena Center for Soft Matter (JCSM)Friedrich‐Schiller‐University Jena Philosophenweg 7 D‐07743 Jena Germany
5. Institute of Quantum Science and EngineeringTexas A&M University College Station TX 77843‐4242 USA