Sniffing behavior of semi free‐ranging Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus)


Simon Miriam12,Widdig Anja13,Weiß Brigitte M.13ORCID


1. Behavioral Ecology Research Group, Institute of Biology, Faculty of Life Sciences University of Leipzig Leipzig Germany

2. Division of Anthropology, Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution Gutenberg University Mainz Germany

3. Department of Human Behavior, Research Group Primate Behavioural Ecology, Ecology and Culture Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig Germany


AbstractOlfaction is one of the evolutionarily oldest senses and plays a fundamental role in foraging and social interactions across mammals. In primates, the role of olfaction is now well recognized, but better investigated in strepsirrhine and platyrrhine primates than in catarrhines. We observed the sniffing behavior of semi‐free ranging Barbary macaques, Macaca sylvanus, at Affenberg Salem, Germany, to assess how frequently macaques sniff and in which contexts, and how sniffing is affected by sex and age. Focal observations of 24 males and 24 females aged 1–25 years showed that Barbary macaques sniffed, on average, 5.24 times per hour, with more than 80% of sniffs directed at food. Irrespective of the context, younger individuals sniffed more often than older ones. Females’ sniffs were more often directed at food than male sniffs, while males sniffed more often than females in a social context. Sniffs at conspecifics occurred primarily in a sexual context, with 70% of social sniffs directed at female anogenital swellings performed by males. Of the observed 176 anogenital inspections, 51 involved sniffing of the swelling. Olfactory inspections were followed by copulation significantly less often than merely visual inspections, suggesting that anogenital odors may play a role in male mating decisions, but the role of olfaction in sexual interactions warrants further investigations. In sum, results show that Barbary macaques routinely use olfaction during feeding, but also in a socio‐sexual context, corroborating the relevance of the olfactory sense in the lives of catarrhine primates.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft



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