1. Alberta Environment and Parks 2015 Shapefiles for oil sands project boundaries and centroid points: 2015 only http://osip.alberta.ca/library/Dataset/Details/716
2. AltaLIS 2010a Base features - hydro, SLN http://www.altalis.com/altalis/
3. AltaLIS 2010b DEM seamless 10 m http://www.altalis.com/altalis/
4. Andriashek , L. D 2006 Surficial Materials of the Athabasca Oil Sands (in Situ) Area, Northeast Alberta (GIS Data, polygon features) http://ags.aer.ca/publications/DIG_2002_0019.html#summary
5. Andriashek , L. D 2011 Quaternary geology and bedrock subcrop of the Cold Lake to Ft. McMurray area, Alberta Bedrock topography - (1:250,000) scale gridded data http://ags.aer.ca/publications/DIG_2006_0027.html#summary