Administration of meloxicam before rather than after castration on eating, defecation and pain indicators in pet rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)


Liles Marina1,Brown Susan2,Di Girolamo Nicola1ORCID


1. Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine Oklahoma State University Stillwater Oklahoma USA

2. Fox Valley Animal Welfare League North Aurora Illinois USA


AbstractBackgroundRabbits are extremely sensitive to pain. There is evidence on whether non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory medication should be administered before or after surgery in rabbits.ObjectivesIn this study, we compared the pain scores and behaviours of rabbits administered meloxicam before or after routine castration.MethodsForty‐two healthy rabbits undergoing castration were randomly assigned to receive meloxicam (1 mg/kg SC) 1 h before or upon recovery from anaesthesia. Several parameters were recorded, including the occurrence of eating, defecating and pain scores postoperatively and change in heart rate intraoperatively.ResultsAt 4 h after surgery, eating was observed in 43% (9/21) of rabbits that received meloxicam before neutering and in 29% (6/21) of rabbits that received meloxicam after. The morning after the surgery, eating was observed in 62% (13/21) of rabbits that received meloxicam before neutering and in 57% (12/21) of rabbits that received meloxicam after. The odds of not eating increased by 1.16 times (1.03–1.29; p = 0.01) per month of age, whereas there was no significant association between eating and administration of meloxicam before or after surgery, body weight and time. Similarly, defecation, pain score and change in heart rate did not differ in animals receiving meloxicam before or after surgery.ConclusionsAdministration of meloxicam in rabbits undergoing castration before or after surgery does not have a relevant effect on eating, defecating or pain score. Younger rabbits show less obvious signs of pain and are more likely to resume eating habits sooner after surgery compared to older rabbits.



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