1. Nature Inventory and EIA‐services Arctic Centre University of Lapland P. O. Box 122 FI‐96101 Rovaniemi Finland
2. Department of Biology University of Turku FI‐20014 Turku Finland
3. Faculty of Environmental Sciences Department of Applied Geoinformatics and Spatial Planning Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Kamýcká 129 CZ‐165 00 Prague 6 Czech Republic
4. Department of Biogeography and Global Change Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (BGC‐MNCN‐CSIC) E‐28006 Madrid Spain
5. Department of Zoology University of Granada Granada Spain
6. Behavioral and Physiological Ecology Group Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies University of Groningen 9700 CC Groningen The Netherlands
7. Department of Biology Ludwig‐Maximilians‐University Munich Munich Germany
8. Institute of Zoology Poznań University of Life Sciences Wojska Polskiego 71C PL‐60‐625 Poznań Poland