1. LTE official reference page:http://www.3gpp.org/technologies/keywords‐acronyms/98‐lte
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3. PatacchiniA. “Ka‐band becoming reality for consumer and professional services” 15th Ka and Broadband Communications Navigation and Earth Observation September 23–25 2009 Cagliari Italy.
4. Luglio M. Roseti C. Salam A.A.andZampognaro F.“TCP connection management through combined use of terrestrial and satellite IP‐based links” In Proc of 40thInternational Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) 2017.
5. ETSI TR 103 35 v1.1.1 Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); “Multi‐link routing scheme in hybrid access network with heterogeneous links” Technical Report 2017.