1. Achieving the Dream 2015 Helping more community college students achieve http://www.achievingthedream.org/
2. American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) 2015a 2015 community college fast facts http://www.aacc.nche.edu/AboutCC/Pages/fastfactsfactsheet.aspx
3. American Association of Community Colleges. (AACC) 2015b 2015 fact sheet http://www.aacc.nche.edu/AboutCC/Documents/FactSheet2015.pdf
4. American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) 2015c About community colleges http://www.aacc.nche.edu/AboutCC/Pages/default.aspx
5. Bailey , T. 2009 Rethinking developmental education in community college http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED504329.pdf