1. Faculty of Fisheries and Protection of Waters, South Bohemian Research Center of Aquaculture and Biodiversity of Hydrocenoses University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice Vodnany Czech Republic
2. Department of Environmental Science, Center for Reservoir and Aquatic Systems Research Baylor University Waco Texas USA
RationaleThe presented analytical method demonstrates a straightforward approach for environmental applications based on laser diode thermal desorption (LDTD). The study aims to examine abilities to achieve environmentally relevant outcomes for different types of pollutants with a fast method following the green chemistry principle.MethodsTreatment of environmentally relevant sample matrix (river water) was limited to filtration with a cellulose filter. Samples fortified with analytes were spotted in a LazWell plate and dried before analysis. Samples thermally desorbed using LDTD were detected with Q Exactive hybrid high‐resolution mass spectrometer operation in full‐scan data‐dependent acquisition mode (LDTD‐FullMS‐dd‐MS/MS).ResultsLDTD‐FullMS‐dd‐MS/MS exhibits the lowest quantification limits for anatoxin‐A, atrazine, caffeine, methamphetamine, methylbenzotriazole, paracetamol, perfluorobutanoic acid, perfluorohexanoic acid, and perfluorooctanoic acid of between 0.10 and 1.0 ng mL−1 in the environmentally relevant sample matrix.ConclusionsThe developed method was successfully evaluated for different environmental pollutants and radically reduced sample treatment and time requirements for analysis and sample preparation.
Organic Chemistry,Spectroscopy,Analytical Chemistry