1. and , A One-Dimensional Theory of Compressional Waves in an Elastic Rod, Proceedings of the First U. S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, pp. 187–191 (1951); see also Proceedings of the Second U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, p. 233 (1954).
2. Application of Green's Method in Deriving Approximate Theory of Elasticity, ONR Project NR-064–388, Contract NONR-266(90), Technical Report No. 13, February 1954.
3. Free and forced vibrations of straight elastic bars according to the ?Method of Internal Constraints?
4. and , An Engineering Theory of Longitudinal Wave Propagation in Cylindrical Elastic Rods, Proceedings of the Third U.S. National Congress of Applied Mechanics, Providence, R. I., pp. 239–245 (1958).
5. Forced Motion of Elastic Plates