1. Politics in Education: A Case Study of the Florida Community College System Legislative Program with an Emphasis on Miami-Dade Community College Activities. Miami, Fla.: Miami-Dade Community College, 1981. 31 pp. (ED 212 338)
2. and State Legislation Affecting Community and Junior Colleges, 1980. (Report No. 37.) University Park: Center for the Study of Higher Education, Pennsylvania State University, 1981. 31 pp. (ED 206 337)
3. and State Legislation Affecting Community, Junior, and Two-Year Technical Colleges, 1981. (Report No. 38.) University Park: Center for the Study of Higher Education, Pennsylvania State University, and the National Council of State Directors of Community Junior Colleges, 1982. 31 pp. (ED 219 121)
4. and State Legislation Affecting Community, Junior and Two-Year Technical Colleges, 1981. (Report No. 39.) University Park: Center for the Study of Higher Education, Pennsylvania State University and the National Council of State Directors of Community Junior Colleges, 1983, 31 pp. (ED 231 481).
5. and Highlights and Overview of Actions of 1983 State Legislative Sessions Affecting Community and Two-Year Technical Colleges: A Report to the National Council of State Directors of Community and Junior Colleges. University Park: Center for the Study of Higher Education, Pennsylvania State University, 1984. 31 pp. (ED 264 945)