1. Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK)Laboratory for SensorsUniversity of Freiburg Georges‐Koehler Allee 103 79110 Freiburg Germany
2. Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies (FIT)University of Freiburg Georges‐Koehler‐Allee 105 79110 Freiburg Germany
3. Faculty of Biology and Signalling Research Centres BIOSS and CIBSSUniversity of Freiburg Schaenzlestraße 18 79104 Freiburg Germany
4. Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent MedicineMolecular Neuro‐OncologyMedical University of Vienna Waehringer Guertel 18‐20 1090 Vienna Austria
5. Department of BioengineeringRoyal School of MinesImperial College London SW7 2AZ London UK
6. Freiburg Materials Research Center (FMF)University of Freiburg Stefan‐Meier‐Straße 21 79104 Freiburg Germany