1. Department of Internal Medicine Tri‐Service General Hospital Songshan Branch and School of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center Taipei Taiwan Republic of China
2. Division of Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine Department of Family Medicine and Community Medicine Tri‐Service General Hospital, National Defense Medical Center Taipei Taiwan Republic of China
3. Department of General Medicine Tri‐Service General Hospital and School of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center Taipei Taiwan Republic of China
4. Division of Family Medicine, Department of Family and Community Medicine Tri‐Service General Hospital Songshan Branch and School of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center Taipei Taiwan Republic of China
5. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences National Health Research Institutes Miaoli Taiwan Republic of China
6. School of Public Health National Defense Medical Center Taipei Taiwan Republic of China
7. Division of Hematology/Oncology Department of Medicine Tri‐Service General Hospital and School of Medicine, National Defense Medical Center Taipei Taiwan Republic of China
8. Division of Labor Market Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety, and Health, Ministry of Labor Taipei Taiwan Republic of China