1. Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development; Utrecht University; Utrecht The Netherlands
2. Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development; Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands and PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency; The Hague The Netherlands
3. International Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy; Darmstadt Germany
4. VITO NV; Mol Belgium
5. Department Bioenergy Systems; DBFZ German Biomass Research Centre; Leipzig Germany
6. Department Bioenergy Systems, DBFZ German Biomass Research Centre, Leipzig, Germany; Department Bioenergy; UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research; Leipzig Germany
7. Mikkeli Development Miksei Ltd; Mikkeli Finland
8. Idaho National Laboratory; Idaho Falls ID USA
9. Netherlands Enterprise Agency; Utrecht The Netherlands
10. Stockholm Environment Institute; Stockholm Sweden
11. LUT University; Lappeenranta Finland
12. Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives - Energy Economics Group; TU Wiens; Wien Austria
13. Wild&Partner LLC, Principal; Vienna Austria