SDG 8 – Decent work and sustainability: The case of a public security organization in Brazil


Arigony Marcelo Mendes1,Rejane da Rosa Gama Madruga Lúcia1,Avila Lucas Veiga1,Schvartz Marceli Adriane1ORCID,Arigony Ana Luiza Ortiz1


1. Federal University of Santa Maria ‐ UFSM Santa Maria Rio Grande do Sul Brazil


AbstractThe recognition of the importance of work and the worker in the context of sustainability and social responsibility led the International Labor Organization (ILO) to construct the central concept of this research. This study aims to analyze the work environment in police organizations from the perspective of the concept of work that the ILO has termed Decent Work. The questionnaire was constructed based on the literature and validated by experts. Subsequently, it was made available through Google Forms® and submitted to the respondents. The research was based on ILO indicators (employment opportunities; adequate income; decent working hours; reconciliation of work, personal, and family life; stability and security at work; equal opportunities and treatment in employment; safe working environment; social dialogue; representation of workers and employers), and involved the participation of 704 respondents. The main pieces of evidence include: partial compliance with the indicators of decent work, with a negative emphasis on the working environment, where 59.39% classified it as unsafe, followed by evidence of low institutional concern for employees.



Reference42 articles.

1. Agenda Nacional de Trabalho Decente para a Juventude. (2011).Agenda nacional de trabalho decente para a juventude.‐‐‐americas/‐‐‐ro‐lima/‐‐‐ilo‐brasilia/documents/genericdocument/wcms_302678.pdf

2. Agenda Nacional de Trabalho Decente. (1998).Declaração da OIT sobre os Princípios e Direitos Fundamentais no Trabalho.

3. Alvarenga R. Z.(2008).Direitos da Personalidade do Trabalhador e Poder Empregatício(Tese de Doutorado).PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DE MINAS GERAIS Programa de Pós‐Graduação em Direito.







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