Population-based cohort study of outcomes following cholecystectomy for benign gallbladder diseases
, Vohra R S1, Pasquali S2, Kirkham A J3, Marriott P4, Johnstone M4, Spreadborough P4, Alderson D5, Griffiths E A6, Fenwick S7, Elmasry M7, Nunes Q7, Kennedy D7, Basit Khan R8, Khan M A S8, Magee C J9, Jones S M9, Mason D9, Parappally C P9, Mathur P10, Saunders M10, Jamel S10, Ul Haque S10, Zafar S10, Shiwani M H11, Samuel N11, Dar F11, Jackson A11, Lovett B12, Dindyal S12, Winter H12, Fletcher T12, Rahman S12, Wheatley K13, Nieto T13, Ayaani S13, Youssef H14, Nijjar R S14, Watkin H14, Naumann D14, Emeshi S14, Sarmah P B14, Lee K14, Joji N14, Heath J15, Teasdale R L15, Weerasinghe C15, Needham P J16, Welbourn H16, Forster L16, Finch D16, Blazeby J M17, Robb W17, McNair A G K17, Hrycaiczuk A17, Charalabopoulos A18, Kadirkamanathan S18, Tang C-B18, Jayanthi N V G18, Noor N18, Dobbins B19, Cockbain A J19, Nilsen-Nunn A19, Siqueira J19, Pellen M20, Cowley J B20, Ho W-M20, Miu V20, White T J21, Hodgkins K A21, Kinghorn A21, Tutton M G22, Al-Abed Y A22, Menzies D22, Ahmad A22, Reed J22, Khan S22, Monk D23, Vitone L J23, Murtaza G23, Joel A23, Brennan S24, Shier D24, Zhang C24, Yoganathan T24, Robinson S J25, McCallum I J D25, Jones M J25, Elsayed M25, Tuck L25, Wayman J25, Carney K25, Aroori S26, Hosie K B26, Kimble A26, Bunting D M26, Fawole A S27, Basheer M27, Dave R V27, Sarveswaran J27, Jones E27, Kendall C J27, Tilston M P28, Gough M28, Wallace T28, Singh S28, Downing J28, Mockford K A28, Issa E28, Shah N28, Chauhan N28, Wilson T R29, Forouzanfar A29, Wild J R L29, Nofal E29, Bunnell C29, Madbak K29, Rao S T V30, Devoto L30, Siddiqi N30, Khawaja Z30, Hewes J C31, Gould L31, Chambers A31, Urriza Rodriguez D31, Sen G32, Robinson S32, Carney K32, Bartlett F32, Rae D M33, Stevenson T E J33, Sarvananthan K33, Dwerryhouse S J34, Higgs S M34, Old O J34, Hardy T J34, Shah R34, Hornby S T34, Keogh K34, Frank L34, Al-Akash M35, Upchurch E A35, Frame R J36, Hughes M36, Jelley C36, Weaver S37, Roy S37, Sillo T O37, Galanopoulos G37, Cuming T38, Cunha P38, Tayeh S38, Kaptanis S38, Heshaishi M39, Eisawi A39, Abayomi M39, Ngu W S39, Fleming K39, Singh Bajwa D39, Chitre V40, Aryal K40, Ferris P40, Silva M41, Lammy S41, Mohamed S41, Khawaja A41, Hussain A41, Ghazanfar M A41, Bellini M I41, Ebdewi H42, Elshaer M42, Gravante G42, Drake B42, Ogedegbe A43, Mukherjee D43, Arhi C43, Giwa Nusrat Iqbal L43, Watson N F44, Kumar Aggarwal S44, Orchard P44, Villatoro E44, Willson P D45, Wa K45, Mok J45, Woodman T45, Deguara J45, Garcea G46, Babu B I46, Dennison A R46, Malde D46, Lloyd D46, Satheesan S46, Al-Taan O46, Boddy A46, Slavin J P47, Jones R P47, Ballance L47, Gerakopoulos S47, Jambulingam P48, Mansour S48, Sakai N48, Acharya V48, Sadat M M49, Karim L49, Larkin D49, Amin K49, Khan A50, Law J50, Jamdar S50, Smith S R50, Sampat K50, M O'shea K50, Manu M51, Asprou F M51, Malik N S51, Chang J51, Johnstone M51, Lewis M52, Roberts G P52, Karavadra B52, Photi E52, Hewes J31, Gould L31, Chambers A31, Rodriguez D31, O'Reilly D A53, Rate A J53, Sekhar H53, Henderson L T53, Starmer B Z53, Coe P O53, Tolofari S53, Barrie J53, Bashir G54, Sloane J54, Madanipour S54, Halkias C54, Trevatt A E J54, Borowski D W55, Hornsby J55, Courtney M J55, Virupaksha S55, Seymour K56, Robinson S56, Hawkins H56, Bawa S56, Gallagher P V56, Reid A56, Wood P56, Finch J G57, Parmar J57, Stirland E57, Gardner-Thorpe J58, Al-Muhktar A58, Peterson M58, Majeed A58, Bajwa F M59, Martin J59, Choy A59, Tsang A59, Pore N60, Andrew D R60, Al-Khyatt W60, Bhandari C Taylor S60, Chambers A60, Subramanium D60, Toh S K C61, Carter N C61, Mercer S J61, Knight B61, Tate S61, Pearce B61, Wainwright D61, Vijay V62, Alagaratnam S62, Sinha S62, Khan S62, El-Hasani S S63, Hussain A A63, Bhattacharya V64, Kansal N64, Fasih T64, Jackson C64, Siddiqui M N65, Chishti I A65, Fordham I J65, Siddiqui Z65, Bausbacher H66, Geogloma I66, Gurung K66, Tsavellas G67, Basynat P67, Kiran Shrestha A67, Basu S67, Chhabra Mohan Harilingam A67, Rabie M67, Akhtar M67, Kumar P68, Jafferbhoy S F68, Hussain N68, Raza S68, Haque M69, Alam I69, Aseem R69, Patel S69, Asad M69, Booth M I70, Ball W R70, Wood C P J70, Pinho-Gomes A C70, Kausar A71, Rami Obeidallah M71, Varghase J72, Lodhia J72, Bradley D72, Rengifo C72, Lindsay D72, Gopalswamy S73, Finlay I73, Wardle S73, Bullen N73, Iftikhar S Y74, Awan A74, Ahmed J74, Leeder P74, Fusai G75, Bond-Smith G75, Psica A75, Puri Y75, Hou D76, Noble F76, Szentpali K76, Broadhurst J76, Date R77, Hossack M R77, Li Goh Y77, Turner P77, Shetty V77, Riera M78, Macano C A W78, Sukha A78, Preston S R79, Hoban J R79, Puntis D J79, Williams S V79, Krysztopik R80, Kynaston J80, Batt J80, Doe M80, Goscimski A81, Jones G H81, Smith S R81, Hall C81, Carty N82, Ahmed J82, Panteleimonitis S82, Gunasekera R T83, Sheel A R G83, Lennon H83, Hindley C83, Reddy M84, Kenny R84, Elkheir N84, McGlone E R84, Rajaganeshan R85, Hancorn K85, Hargreaves A85, Prasad R86, Longbotham D A86, Vijayanand D86, Wijetunga I86, Ziprin P87, Nicolay C R87, Yeldham G87, Read E87, Gossage J A88, Rolph R C88, Ebied H88, Phull M88, Khan M A89, Popplewell M89, Kyriakidis D89, Hussain A89, Henley N90, Packer J R90, Derbyshire L90, Porter J90, Appleton S91, Farouk M91, Basra M91, Jennings N A92, Ali S92, Kanakala V92, Ali H93, Lane R93, Dickson-Lowe R93, Zarsadias P93, Mirza D94, Puig S94, Al Amari K94, Vijayan D94, Sutcliffe R94, Marudanayagam R94, Hamady Z95, Prasad A R95, Patel A95, Durkin D96, Kaur P96, Bowen L96, Byrne J P97, Pearson K L97, Delisle T G97, Davies J97, Tomlinson M A98, Johnpulle M A98, Slawinski C98, Macdonald A99, Nicholson J99, Newton K99, Mbuvi J99, Farooq A100, Sidhartha Mothe B100, Zafrani Z100, Brett D100, Francombe J101, Spreadborough P101, Barnes J101, Cheung M101, Al-Bahrani A Z102, Preziosi G102, Urbonas T102, Alberts J103, Mallik M103, Patel K103, Segaran A103, Doulias T103, Sufi P A104, Yao C104, Pollock S104, Manzelli A105, Wajed S105, Kourkulos M105, Pezzuto R105, Wadley M106, Hamilton E106, Jaunoo S106, Padwick R106, Sayegh M107, Newton R C107, Hebbar M107, Farag S F107, Spearman J108, Hamdan M F108, D'Costa C108, Blane C108, Giles M109, Peter M B109, Hirst N A109, Hossain T109, Pannu A109, El-Dhuwaib Y109, Morrison T E M109, Taylor G W109, Thompson R L E110, McCune K110, Loughlin P110, Lawther R110, Byrnes C K111, Simpson D J111, Mawhinney A111, Warren C111, McKay D112, McIlmunn C112, Martin S112, MacArtney M112, Diamond T113, Davey P113, Jones C113, Clements J M113, Digney R113, Chan W M113, McCain S113, Gull S113, Janeczko A113, Dorrian E113, Harris A113, Dawson S113, Johnston D113, McAree B113, Ghareeb E114, Thomas G114, Connelly M114, McKenzie S114, Cieplucha K114, Spence G115, Campbell W115, Hooks G115, Bradley N115, Hill A D K116, Cassidy J T116, Boland M116, Burke P117, Nally D M117, Hill A D K118, Khogali E118, Shabo W118, Iskandar E118, McEntee G P119, O'Neill M A119, Peirce C119, Lyons E M119, O'Sullivan A W120, Thakkar R120, Carroll P120, Ivanovski I120, Balfe P121, Lee M121, Winter D C122, Kelly M E122, Hoti E122, Maguire D122, Karunakaran P122, Geoghegan J G122, Martin S T122, McDermott F122, Cross K S123, Cooke F123, Zeeshan S123, Murphy J O123, Mealy K124, Mohan H M124, Nedujchelyn Y124, Fahad Ullah M124, Ahmed I125, Giovinazzo F125, Milburn J125, Prince S126, Brooke E126, Buchan J126, Khalil A M127, Vaughan E M127, Ramage M I127, Aldridge R C127, Gibson S128, Nicholson G A128, Vass D G128, Grant A J129, Holroyd D J129, Jones M A129, Sutton C M L R129, O'Dwyer P130, Nilsson F130, Weber B131, Williamson T K131, Lalla K131, Bryant A131, Carter C R132, Forrest C R132, Hunter D I132, Nassar A H133, Orizu M N133, Knight K133, Qandeel H133, Suttie S134, Belding R134, McClarey A134, Boyd A T135, Guthrie G J K135, Lim P J135, Luhmann A135, Watson A J M136, Richards C H136, Nicol L136, Madurska M136, Harrison E137, Boyce K M137, Roebuck A137, Ferguson G137, Pati P138, Wilson M S J138, Dalgaty F138, Fothergill L138, Driscoll P J139, Mozolowski K L139, Banwell V139, Bennett S P139, Rogers P N140, Skelly B L140, Rutherford C L140, Mirza A K140, Lazim T141, Lim H C C141, Duke D141, Ahmed T141, Beasley W D142, Wilkinson M D142, Maharaj G142, Malcolm C142, Brown T H143, Shingler G M143, Mowbray N143, Radwan R143, Morcous P144, Wood S144, Kadhim A144, Stewart D J145, Baker A L145, Tanner N145, Shenoy H145, Hafiz S, De Marchi J A, Singh-Ranger D, Hisham E, Ainley P, O'Neill S, Terrace J, Napetti S, Hopwood B, Rhys T, Downing J, Kanavati O, Coats M, Aleksandrov D, Kallaway C, Yahya S, Weber B, Templeton A, Trotter M, Lo C, Dhillon A, Heywood N, Aawsaj Y, Hamdan A, Reece-Bolton O, McGuigan A, Shahin Y, Ali A, Luther A, Nicholson J A, Rajendran I, Boal M, Ritchie J
1. Trent Oesophago-Gastric Unit, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK 2. Surgical Oncology Unit, Veneto Institute of Oncology IOV-IRCCS, Padova, Italy 3. Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK 4. West Midlands Research Collaborative, Academic Department of Surgery, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK 5. Academic Department of Surgery, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK 6. Department of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgery, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK 7. Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 8. Airedale General Hospital 9. Wirral University Teaching Hospital 10. Barnet and Chase Farm Hospital 11. Barnsley District General Hospital 12. Basildon Univesity Hospital 13. Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust 14. Heart of England Foundation NHS Trust 15. Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 16. Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 17. University Hospitals Bristol NHS Trust 18. Broomfield Hospital 19. Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust 20. Hull and East Yorkshire NHS Trust 21. Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 22. Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation Trust 23. Countess of Chester NHS Foundation Trust 24. Croydon Health Services NHS Trust 25. North Cumbria University Hospitals Trust 26. Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust 27. Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust 28. Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust 29. Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 30. Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 31. North Bristol NHS Trust 32. Freeman Hospital 33. Frimley Park Hospital NHS Trust 34. Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust 35. Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 36. Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust 37. Wye Valley NHS Trust 38. Homerton University Hospital NHS Trust 39. Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 40. Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 41. Oxford University NHS Trust 42. Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 43. Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust 44. Kings Mill Hospital 45. Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 46. University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust 47. Leighton Hospital, Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 48. Luton and Dunstable University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 49. Macclesfield District General Hospital 50. Central Manchester NHS Foundation Trust 51. Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust 52. Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 53. Pennine Acute NHS Trust 54. North Middlesex Trust 55. North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust 56. Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 57. Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust 58. Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 59. Peterborough City Hospital 60. United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust 61. Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust 62. The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust 63. King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 64. Gateshead Health NHS Foundation Trust 65. Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust 66. Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust 67. East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust 68. Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 69. Royal Albert Edward Infirmary, Wigan Wrightington and Leigh NHS Trust 70. Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust 71. East Lancashire Hospital Trust 72. Royal Bolton Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 73. Royal Cornwall NHS Trust 74. Royal Derby NHS Foundation Trust 75. Royal Free, London 76. Hampshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 77. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 78. Royal Shrewsbury Hospital 79. Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 80. Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust 81. Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust 82. Salisbury Hospital Foundation Trust 83. Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust 84. St George's Healthcare NHS Trust 85. St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 86. Leeds Teaching Hospitals 87. Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust 88. St Thomas’ Hospital, London 89. Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust 90. Stockport NHS Foundation Trust 91. Bucks Healthcare NHS Trust 92. City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust 93. Tunbridge Wells and Maidstone NHS Trust 94. University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust 95. University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust 96. University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust 97. University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust 98. University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay 99. University Hospital South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust 100. Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Trust 101. South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust 102. Watford General Hospital 103. West Suffolk NHS Trust 104. Whittington NHS Trust 105. Wonford Hospital 106. Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust 107. Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 108. Yeovil District Hospital NHS Trust 109. York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 110. Altnagelvin Area Hospital 111. Antrim Area Hospital 112. Daisy Hill Hospital 113. Belfast City Hospital, Mater Infirmorum Hospital Belfast and Royal Victoria Hospital 114. South West Acute Hospital 115. Ulster Hospital 116. Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 117. University Hospital Limerick 118. Louth County Hospital and Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital 119. Mater Hospital, Dublin 120. Mercy University Hospital 121. St Luke's General Hospital Kilkenny 122. St Vincent's University and Private Hospitals, Dublin 123. Waterford Regional Hospital 124. Wexford General Hospital 125. Aberdeen Royal Infirmary 126. Belford Hospital 127. Borders General Hospital 128. Crosshouse Hospital, Ayrshire and Arran 129. Dr Gray's Hospital 130. Gartnavel General Hospital 131. Gilbert Bain Hospital 132. Glasgow Royal Infirmary 133. Monklands Hospital 134. Ninewells Hospital 135. Perth Royal Infirmary 136. Raigmore Hospital 137. Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh 138. Stracathro Hospital 139. Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy 140. Western Infirmary Glasgow 141. Bronglais General Hospital 142. Glangwili General and Prince Philip Hospital 143. Morriston and Singleton Hospitals 144. Princess of Wales Hospital 145. Wrexham Maelor Hospital
The aim was to describe the management of benign gallbladder disease and identify characteristics associated with all-cause 30-day readmissions and complications in a prospective population-based cohort.
Data were collected on consecutive patients undergoing cholecystectomy in acute UK and Irish hospitals between 1 March and 1 May 2014. Potential explanatory variables influencing all-cause 30-day readmissions and complications were analysed by means of multilevel, multivariable logistic regression modelling using a two-level hierarchical structure with patients (level 1) nested within hospitals (level 2).
Data were collected on 8909 patients undergoing cholecystectomy from 167 hospitals. Some 1451 cholecystectomies (16·3 per cent) were performed as an emergency, 4165 (46·8 per cent) as elective operations, and 3293 patients (37·0 per cent) had had at least one previous emergency admission, but had surgery on a delayed basis. The readmission and complication rates at 30 days were 7·1 per cent (633 of 8909) and 10·8 per cent (962 of 8909) respectively. Both readmissions and complications were independently associated with increasing ASA fitness grade, duration of surgery, and increasing numbers of emergency admissions with gallbladder disease before cholecystectomy. No identifiable hospital characteristics were linked to readmissions and complications.
Readmissions and complications following cholecystectomy are common and associated with patient and disease characteristics.
Oxford University Press (OUP)
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