Before Mnemosyne: Wilhelmine Cultural History Exhibitions and the Genesis of Warburg's Picture Atlas**


Vollgraff Matthew1ORCID


1. NOMIS Fellow eikones—Center for the Theory and History of the Image University of Basel


AbstractAby Warburg's Bilderatlas Mnemosyne, left unfinished in 1929, has attracted significant interest in recent decades. This essay offers a new interpretation of Warburg's “picture atlas,” not in relation to modernist collage and photomontage, but as an heir to scientific pedagogical exhibitions of the late Wilhelmine period. It deals in particular with two “public enlightenment” shows curated by the Leipzig medical historian Karl Sudhoff, whose work Warburg admired and employed: the first on with the history of hygiene in Dresden in 1911, the second in Leipzig, three years later, on the development of scientific images. Like Warburg, Sudhoff appreciated artworks and artifacts as sources for the history of science and medicine. His exhibitions consisted of assemblages of photographic reproductions—some of which were provided by Warburg himself—and uncannily anticipate Mnemosyne in both form and content. By examining the exchange of materials and display methods between the two scholars, the article explores how their respective visual projects reflected deeper disagreements over the public role of science, the epistemic power of images, and the persistence of the irrational in the human psyche.



Reference85 articles.

1. Anderson Joanne W. Mick Finch and Johannes von Müller (eds.) Image Journeys: The Warburg Institute and a British Art History(Passau: Klinger 2019).

2. Arendt Hannah The Burden of Our Time(London: Secker & Warburg 1951).

3. “Aby Warburg's Babylonian Paradigm: Toward an Epistemology of the Irrational in the Bilderatlas,”;Bahrani Zainab;Res: Anthropology and aesthetics,2021

4. Bauerle Dorothee Gespenstergeschichten für ganz Erwachsene: Ein Kommentar zu Aby Warburgs Bilderatlas Mnemosyne(Münster: Lit 1988).

5. Benjamin Walter “Little History of Photography ” in Walter Benjamin Selected Writings Volume 2 Part 2: 1931–1934 trans. Rodney Livingstone et al. ed. Michael W. Jennings Gary Smith and Howard Eiland (Cambridge MA: Belknap Press 1999 [1931]) 507–530.







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