1. DAU(2016) ENG: Engineering Career Field Competency Model. Version 2.0. Fort Belvoir VA: Defense Acquisition University Department of Defense.
2. Version 1.0 of the New INCOSE Competency Framework
3. Hutchison N. D.Verma P.Burke M.Clifford R.Giffin S.Luna andM.Partacz. (2018).Atlas 1.1: An update to the Theory of Effective Systems Engineers. Hoboken NJ: Systems Engineering Research Center Stevens Institute of Technology.
4. May E.&D.S.Strong D.D. (2006)Is engineering education delivering what industry requires?Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) 2006. (Canadian study)
5. NASA(2020) “aPPEL Knowledge Services: PM&SE Career Development Framework.” Washington DC: National Aeronautics and Space Administration.