Delineating the Smith‐Kingsmore syndrome phenotype: Investigation of 16 patients with the MTOR c. 5395G  > A p.( Glu1799Lys ) missense variant


Poole Rebecca L.12ORCID,Curry Philippa D. K.3,Marcinkute Ruta4,Brewer Carole5,Coman David6,Hobson Emma7,Johnson Diana8,Lynch Sally Ann9,Saggar Anand10,Searle Claire11,Scurr Ingrid12,Turnpenny Peter D.5,Vasudevan Pradeep13,Tatton‐Brown Katrina310


1. NHS Education for Scotland South East Region, South East of Scotland Clinical Genetics Service Edinburgh UK

2. University College London London UK

3. St George's University of London London UK

4. Department of Clinical Genetics Guys and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust London UK

5. Department of Clinical Genetics, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust Exeter UK

6. Department of Metabolic Medicine Queensland Children's Hospital Queensland Australia

7. Department of Clinical Genetics Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Leeds UK

8. Department of Clinical Genetics Sheffield Children's NHS Foundation Trust Sheffield UK

9. Department of Clinical Genetics Temple Street Children's University Hospital Dublin Ireland

10. South West Thames Regional Genetics Department St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust London UK

11. Department of Clinical Genetics Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust Nottingham UK

12. Department of Clinical Genetics University Hospital Bristol and Western NHS Foundation Trust Bristol UK

13. Department of Clinical Genetics University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust Leicester UK


Baily Thomas Charitable Fund

Medical Research Council

Cancer Research UK

Wellcome Trust

National Institute for Health Research

Department of Health, Australian Government




Genetics (clinical),Genetics

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