1. Mémoire sur la loi des modifications imprimées à la lumière polarisée par sa reflexion totale dans l'intérieure des corps transparens. (lu à l'institut 6 janv. 1823)
2. traité da la lumière 1690. Leide, p. 38.
3. Lectures on natural philosophy, London 1807, I, p. 461.
4. ib. II, p. 623 (Phil- trans. 12. Nov. 1801). The total reflexion seems to require the assistance of the particles of the rarer medium, to which the motion of the preceding portion of the undulation has been partly communicated, without being able to produce any other effect than that of urging them in the direction of the snrface and enabling them to resist the force of the direct undulation, which teads to remove them from the surface.