Flame retardants (FRs) are chemicals added to natural and synthetic materials to improve their resistance to ignition or reduce flame spread after ignition occurs. There are many different types of FRs. FR chemicals can be inorganic or organic compounds. This chapter provides a broad overview of the toxicity of the major types of non‐polymeric, FR chemicals in use today.
Reference308 articles.
1. C.Guideret al. Collection Curation and Quantitative Structure‐Use Relationship (QSUR) Modeling of Flame Retardants and Organohalogenated Flame Retardants for Class‐based Assessments inInternational Society for Exposure Science (ISES) Annual Meeting (Virtual) August 30–September 2 2021 2021. Available athttps://intlexposurescience.org/meetings/general‐information‐v2. Accessed December 7 2022.
2. Development of a Flame Retardant and an Organohalogen Flame Retardant Chemical Inventory