Loccisano Anne,Bernal Autumn,Kerger Brent
This chapter is intended to provide a detailed weight of evidence scientific review on polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs). Notably, PCBs are among the most thoroughly studied chlorinated persistent organic pollutants to date; despite their discontinued commercial production in the 1970s, their environmental persistence and widespread distribution continue to garner research attention regarding potential impacts on human health. Due to the voluminous literature pertaining to exposure and toxicology of PCBs, for practical purposes, this chapter was written to capture the scientific highlights of greatest import with respect to knowledge on exposures and toxicological properties of these compounds.
Reference757 articles.
1. USEPA Recommended Toxicity Equivalence Factors (TEFs) for Human Health Risk Assessments of 2 3 7 8‐Tetrachlorodibenzo‐p‐dioxin and Dioxin‐like Compounds EPA/100/R 10/005 2010. Available at‐for‐dioxin‐epa‐00‐r‐10‐005‐final.pdf. Accessed December 8 2022.
2. The 2005 World Health Organization Reevaluation of Human and Mammalian Toxic Equivalency Factors for Dioxins and Dioxin-Like Compounds