1. Departament d'enginyeria civil i ambiental Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Barcelona Spain
2. International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) Barcelona Spain
AbstractThis paper presents mixed finite element formulations to approximate the hyperelasticity problem using as unknowns the displacements and either stresses or pressure or both. These mixed formulations require either finite element spaces for the unknowns that satisfy the proper inf‐sup conditions to guarantee stability or to employ stabilized finite element formulations that provide freedom for the choice of the interpolating spaces. The latter approach is followed in this work, using the Variational Multiscale concept to derive these formulations. Regarding the tackling of the geometry, we consider both infinitesimal and finite strain problems, considering for the latter both an updated Lagrangian and a total Lagrangian description of the governing equations. The combination of the different geometrical descriptions and the mixed formulations employed provides a good number of alternatives that are all reviewed in this paper.