Guidelines for DC preparation and flow cytometry analysis of mouse nonlymphoid tissues


Probst Hans Christian12,Stoitzner Patrizia3,Amon Lukas4,Backer Ronald A.25,Brand Anna5,Chen Jianzhou6,Clausen Björn E.25,Dieckmann Sophie3,Dudziak Diana4789,Heger Lukas4,Hodapp Katrin12,Hornsteiner Florian3,Hovav Avi‐Hai10,Jacobi Lukas4,Ji Xingqi1112,Kamenjarin Nadine12,Lahl Katharina1314,Lahmar Imran6,Lakus Jelena5,Lehmann Christian H. K.47,Ortner Daniela3,Picard Marion6,Roberti Maria Paula61516,Rossnagel Lukas4,Saba Yasmin10,Schalla Carmen1718,Schlitzer Andreas19,Schraml Barbara U.1112,Schütze Kristian12,Seichter Anna4,Seré Kristin1718,Seretis Athanasios20,Sopper Sieghart2122,Strandt Helen3,Sykora Martina M.2122,Theobald Hannah19,Tripp Christoph H.3,Zitvogel Laurence6


1. Institute of Immunology University Medical Center Mainz Mainz Germany

2. Research Center for Immunotherapy (FZI) University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg‐University Mainz Germany

3. Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology Medical University of Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria

4. Laboratory of Dendritic Cell Biology, Department of Dermatology University Hospital Erlangen Hartmannstraße 14 D‐91052 Erlangen Germany

5. Institute for Molecular Medicine, Paul Klein Center for Immune Intervention University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg‐University Mainz Germany

6. Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus (GRCC), U1015 INSERM University Paris Saclay Villejuif France

7. Medical Immunology Campus Erlangen (MICE) D‐91054 Erlangen Germany

8. Deutsches Zentrum Immuntherapie (DZI) Germany

9. Friedrich‐Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen‐Nürnberg Germany

10. Institute of Biomedical and Oral Research, Faculty of Dental Medicine Hebrew University Jerusalem Israel

11. Walter‐Brendel‐Centre of Experimental Medicine University Hospital LMU Munich 82152 Planegg‐Martinsried Germany

12. Institute for Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology, Biomedical Center, Faculty of Medicine LMU Munich 82152 Planegg‐Martinsried Germany

13. Section for Experimental and Translational Immunology, Institute for Health Technology Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Kongens Lyngby 2800 Denmark

14. Immunology Section Lund University Lund 221 84 Sweden

15. Department of Medical Oncology, National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg University Hospital (UKHD) Heidelberg Germany

16. Clinical Cooperation Unit Applied Tumor Immunity German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Heidelberg Germany

17. Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Department of Cell Biology RWTH Aachen University Medical School Aachen Germany

18. Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering RWTH Aachen University Aachen Germany

19. Quantitative Systems Biology, Life and Medical Sciences (LIMES) Institute University of Bonn Germany

20. Institute for Biomedical Aging Research University of Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria

21. Internal Medicine V, Hematology and Oncology Medical University of Innsbruck Innsbruck Austria

22. Tyrolean Cancer Research Center Innsbruck Austria


Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft




Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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