1. Department of Medicine, Section of Epidemiology and Population Sciences, Dan L. Duncan Comprehensive Cancer CenterBaylor College of Medicine Houston TX
2. Division of Population SciencesH. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute Tampa FL
3. Neuro‐Oncology ProgramUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham AL
4. Department of Neurological SurgeryVanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville TN
5. Department of NeurosurgeryEmory University School of Medicine Atlanta GA
6. Department of Hematology‐OncologyNorton Cancer Institute Louisville KY
7. Neuro‐Oncology ProgramLynn Cancer Institute Boca Raton FL
8. Division of Biomedical Statistics and InformaticsMayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester MN
9. Department of Neurological SurgerySchool of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco San Francisco CA
10. Department of Epidemiology and BiostatisticsMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center NY New York
11. School of Public HealthYale University New Haven CT
12. Department of NeurosurgeryBrigham and Women's Hospital Boston MA
13. Department of Epidemiology and BiostatisticsSchool of Public Health, Georgia State University Atlanta GA
14. Cancer Control and Prevention Program, Department of Community and Family MedicineDuke University Medical Center Durham NC
15. Duke Cancer InstituteDuke University Medical Center Durham NC
16. Oncology Clinic, Finsen Center, Rigshospitalet and Survivorship Research UnitThe Danish Cancer Society Research Center Copenhagen Denmark
17. Department of NeurologyMayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, Mayo Clinic Rochester MN
18. Department of Neurology and Preventive MedicineKeck School of Medicine, University of Southern California CA Los Angeles
19. Department of NeurologyNorthShore University HealthSystem Evanston IL
20. Cancer and Radiation Epidemiology UnitGertner Institute, Chaim Sheba Medical Center Tel Hashomer Israel
21. Department of Epidemiology and Preventive MedicineSchool of Public Health, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel‐Aviv University Tel‐Aviv Israel
22. Department of Public Health SciencesUniversity of Virginia School of Medicine Charlottesville VA
23. Department of BiostatisticsUniversity of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston TX
24. Division of Genetics and EpidemiologyThe Institute of Cancer Research in Sutton Surrey United Kingdom
25. Department of Laboratory Medicine and PathologyMayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, Mayo Clinic Rochester MN
26. Department of Radiation SciencesUmeå University Umeå Sweden
27. Institute for Clinical and Translational Research, Dan L. Duncan Comprehensive Cancer CenterBaylor College of Medicine Houston TX
28. Department of PathologyUniversity of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Houston TX
29. Case Comprehensive Cancer CenterCase Western Reserve University School of Medicine Cleveland OH