AGREE‐S: AGREE II extension for surgical interventions – United European Gastroenterology and European Association for Endoscopic Surgery methodological guide


Logullo Patricia1,Florez Ivan D23ORCID,Antoniou George A45,Markar Sheraz67,López‐Cano Manuel8,Silecchia Gianfranco9,Tsokani Sofia10ORCID,Mavridis Dimitrios1011,Brouwers Melissa2,Antoniou Stavros A1213ORCID,Sami Abdel Dayem Amer Yasser,Bertolaccini Luca,Alonso‐Coello Pablo,Akl Elie A,Chand Manish,Como John J,de Borst Gert J,Di Saverio Salomone,Emile Sameh,Eom Bang Wool,Gorter Ramon,Hanna George,Immonen Kaisa,Lai Quirino,Lumen Nicolaas,Mathew Joseph L,Montedori Alessandro,Moya Martin,Pellino Gianluca,Sanabria Alvaro,Saratzis Athanasios,Smart Neil,Stefanidis Dimitrios,Zaninotto Giovanni, ,


1. Department Nuffield of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology & Musculoskeletal Sciences UK EQUATOR Centre Centre for Statistics in Medicine University of Oxford Oxford UK

2. Department of Health Research Methods Evidence and Impact McMaster University Hamilton Ontario Canada

3. Department of Pediatrics University of Antioquia Medellin Colombia

4. Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust Manchester UK

5. Division of Cardiovascular Sciences School of Medical Sciences The University of Manchester Manchester UK

6. Nuffield Department of Surgery University of Oxford Oxford Oxfordshire UK

7. Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery Karolinska Institute Stockholm Sweden

8. Abdominal Wall Surgery Unit Val d’ Hebrón University Hospital Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Barcelona Spain

9. Department of Medico‐Surgical Sciences and Translation Medicine Faculty of Medicine and Psychology Sapienza University of Rome Rome Italy

10. Department of Primary Education School of Education University of Ioannina Ioannina Greece

11. Paris Descartes University Sorbonne Paris Cité Faculté de Médecine Paris France

12. Department of Surgery Mediterranean Hospital of Cyprus Limassol Cyprus

13. European University Cyprus Nicosia Cyprus


United European Gastroenterology

European Association for Endoscopic Surgery and other Interventional Techniques











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