1. ‘The effect of TCP treatment on the low-speed performance of ball bearings’, paper MIT/IL E-2317, Sept. 1968: presented at the Dartmouth Bearings Conference, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, 3–6 Sept. 1968.
2. ‘Effect of surface condition of instrument ball bearings’, Proc. Int. Conf. Surf. Techn., 1973, pp. 566–83.
3. ‘A potpourri of ball bearing surface chemistry problems’, Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, Report P-1474, 1982: presented at the 7th Contamination Symposium; Sunnyvale, CA, 1982.
4. , , and , ‘Surface chemistry of ball bearing steels I’, NRL Memorandum Report 3047, April 1975.
5. Auger Compositional Analysis of Ball Bearing Steels Reacted with Tricresyl Phosphate