1. and , ‘Fuel Economy — Contribution of the Rear Axle Lubricant’, SAE Paper No. 770835, presented at the SAE Passenger Car Meeting, Detroit Michigan, September 26–30, 1977.
2. ‘Axle Efficiency — Test Procedures and Results’, SAE Paper No. 790744, presented at the SAE Passenger Car Meeting, Dearborn, Michigan, June 11–15, 1979.
3. , , and , ‘Development of a Laboratory Axle Efficiency Test’, SAE Paper No. 800804, presented at the SAE Passenger Car Meeting, Dearborn, Michigan, June 9–13, 1980.
4. ‘Evaluation of Fuel Efficient Gear Oils’, presented at the Institute of Petroleum Symposium on Performance and Testing of Gear Oils and Transmission Fluids, London, October 21–23, 1980.
5. , and , ‘The Relationship Between Laboratory Axle Efficiency and Vehicle Fuel Consumption’, SAE Paper No. 811206, presented at the SAE Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, October 19–22, 1981.