1. VIB Center for the Biology of DiseaseLeuvenBelgium
2. Center for Human GeneticsLeuven Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders (LIND) University Hospitals Leuven, and University of LeuvenO&N4HerestraatLeuvenBelgium
3. Neurogeneration GroupNetherlands Institute for Neurosciencean Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and SciencesAmsterdamThe Netherlands
4. Laboratory of Computational BiologyCenter for Human Genetics and University of LeuvenO&N4HerestraatLeuvenBelgium
5. Department of Biological Chemistrythe Silberman Institute of Life Sciencesand the Edmond and Lily Safra Center of Brain Science Interdisciplinary Center for Neural ComputationJerusalemIsrael
6. Saint James School of MedicinePlaza JulianaKralendijkBonaire, Dutch CaribbeanThe Netherlands
7. Neuropsychiatric Disorders GroupNetherlands Institute for Neurosciencean Institute of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and SciencesAmsterdamThe Netherlands