Maternally inherited genetic variants of CADPS 2 are present in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disability patients


Bonora Elena1,Graziano Claudio1,Minopoli Fiorella12,Bacchelli Elena2,Magini Pamela1,Diquigiovanni Chiara1,Lomartire Silvia2,Bianco Francesca1,Vargiolu Manuela1,Parchi Piero3,Marasco Elena4,Mantovani Vilma14,Rampoldi Luca5,Trudu Matteo5,Parmeggiani Antonia3,Battaglia Agatino6,Mazzone Luigi7,Tortora Giada1,Maestrini Elena2,Seri Marco1,Romeo Giovanni1,


1. Unit of Medical Genetics Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences S. Orsola‐Malpighi Hospital University of Bologna Bologna Italy

2. Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology University of Bologna Bologna Italy

3. Department of Neurology University of Bologna Bologna Italy

4. CRBA, S. Orsola‐Malpighi Hospital Bologna Italy

5. Molecular Genetics of Renal Disorders Unit Division of Genetics and Cell Biology San Raffaele Scientific Institute Milan Italy

6. Stella Maris Clinical Research Institute for Child and Adolescent Neurology and Psychiatry Calambrone (Pisa) Italy

7. Unit of Child Neuropsychiatry IRCCS Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù Roma Italy




Molecular Medicine

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