1. Dep. of Agricultural and Biological EngineeringThe Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park PA 16802 USA
2. Dep. of Civil and Environmental Engineering The Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park PA 16802 USA
3. USDA‐ARS, Jornada Experimental Range Las Cruces NM 88003 USA
4. USDA‐ARS, Soil Management and Sugarbeet Research Unit Fort Collins CO 80526 USA
5. USDA‐ARS, Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit University Park PA 16802 USA
6. Dep. of Plant ScienceThe Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park PA 16802 USA
7. Dep. of Ecosystem Science and ManagementThe Pennsylvania State Univ. University Park PA 16802 USA
8. USDA‐ARS, Office of National Programs Beltsville MD 20705 USA