Critique of Science as Critique of Society: Literary Figurations of Techno‐scientific Fetishism (Introduction)


Wahrig Bettina1


1. Abteilung für Pharmazie- und WissenschaftsgeschichteTechnische Universität Braunschweig Beethovenstraße 55 D-38106 Braunschweig




History and Philosophy of Science,History

Reference30 articles.

1. Georg Lichtenberg Schriften und Briefe ed. by Wolfgang Promies vol. I: Sudelbücher I Heft L 155 (ca. 1796) München: Hanser 1973 p. 874.

2. Even if there is a dispute in history the expression “early modern” creates the idea of a time-span that extends from the sixteenth to the twentieth and twenty-first century. Our intention was to compare critical accounts of modern science and technology over time.

3. Mikael Hård Andrew Jamison Hubris and hybrids: A cultural history of technology and science New York: Routledge 2005 pp. 14 s.

4. “The historical narrative does not as narrative dispel false beliefs about the past human life the nature of the community and so on; what it does is test the capacity of a culture's fictions to endow real events with the kinds of meaning that literature displays to consciousness through its fashioning of patterns of ‘imaginary’ events.” Hayden White The question of narrative in contemporary historical theory History and Theory23 (1984) 1–33; Jeannie Moser Die Metamorphosen des Dämons: Figurationen eines epistemischen Dings bei Albert Hofmann Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaften1 (2007) 103–112.

5. Roland Barthes Mythologies Paris: Seuil 1957.







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