1. Computer Simulation for Fire Risk Analysis
2. CFAST Manuals.National Institute of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg MD.https://pages.nist.gov/cfast/index.html. Accessed April 25 2020.
3. FDS and Smokeview.National Institute of Standards and Technology. Gaithersburg MD.http://fire.nist.gov/fds. Accessed April 25 2020.
4. 16 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1633.Consumer product safety commission. Final rule: standard for the flammability (open flame) of mattress sets. Federal Register2006:71(50):13472.https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2006/03/15/06-2206/final-rule-standard-for-the-flammability-open-flame-of-mattress-sets. Accessed April 29 2020.