1. Laboratory of Medical Genetics, Department of Molecular Medicine; Sapienza University of Rome; Rome Italy
2. “Vaclav Vojta” Rehabiliation Center; Rome Italy
3. Division of Biology and Genetics, Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine; School of Medicine, University of Brescia; Brescia Italy
4. Biostatistics; IRCCS-San Gallicano Dermatologic Institute; Rome Italy
5. Department of Human Sciences and Public Health; Bournemouth University; Bournemouth United Kingdom
6. Department of Experimental Medicine; Sapienza University; Rome Italy
7. Unit of Biostatistics; IRCCS-Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza; San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) Italy
8. Division of Medical Genetics; IRCCS-Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza; San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) Italy