1. Objective measurement of fabric hand. In: editor. Modern textile characterization methods. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1996, pp. 329-354.
2. A Psychophysical Model for Objective Fabric Hand Evaluation: An Application of Stevens's Law
3. Fuzzy criteria and fuzzy rules in subjective evaluation?a general discussion. In: Procs of EUFIT'97, Aachen, Germany; September 8-11. Aachen: Verlag Mainz; 1997, pp. 975-979.
4. Club CRIN Logique Floue. Evaluation subjective?méthodes. Applications et Enjeux. Association ECRIN, Paris, 1997. (In French)
5. eds. Fuzzy information engineering: A guided tour of applications. New York: Wiley; 1997.