1. Catholic University Liver Research Center & WHO Collaborating Center of Viral Hepatitis; Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine; Seoul Korea
2. Department of Internal Medicine; Cheju Halla General Hospital; Jeju Korea
3. Department of Internal Medicine and Liver Research Institute; Seoul National University College of Medicine; Seoul Korea
4. Department of Preventive Medicine; Seoul National University College of Medicine; Seoul Korea
5. Department of Biomedical Science; Seoul National University Graduate School; Seoul Korea
6. Cancer Research Institute, Seoul National University; Seoul Korea
7. Department of Internal Medicine; Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine; Seoul Korea
8. Department of Internal Medicine, Asan Medical Center; University of Ulsan College of Medicine; Seoul Korea
9. Department of Internal Medicine; Yonsei University College of Medicine; Seoul Korea
10. Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center; Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine; Seoul Korea
11. Department of Surgery; Ajou University School of Medicine; Suwon Korea
12. Department of Internal Medicine; Research Institute of Clinical Medicine, Chonbuk National University Medical School and Hospital; Jeonju Korea
13. Department of Internal Medicine; Korea University College of Medicine; Seoul Korea
14. Department of Internal Medicine; Kyungpook National University School of Medicine; Daegu Korea
15. Department of Internal Medicine; Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine; Wonju Korea
16. Department of Internal Medicine; Yeungnam University College of Medicine; Daegu Korea
17. Department of Internal Medicine; Gachon University School of Medicine; Incheon Korea
18. Department of Internal Medicine; Hanyang University College of Medicine; Seoul Korea
19. Department of Internal Medicine; Konkuk University School of Medicine; Seoul Korea
20. Department of Internal Medicine; Hallym Univesity College of Medicine; Seoul Korea
21. Department of Internal Medicine; Pusan National University School of Medicine; Busan Korea
22. Department of Internal Medicine; Seoul National University Bundang Hospital; Seongnam Korea
23. Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; Saitama Medical University; Moroyama Japan
24. Department of Digestive and Life-Style Related Disease; Health Research Course, Human and Environmental Sciences, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences; Kagoshima Japan
25. Kagoshima City Hospital; Kagoshima Japan
26. Department of Medicine; Teikyo University School of Medicine; Tokyo Japan
27. Department of Gastroenterology; All India Institute of Medical Sciences; New Delhi India
28. Institute of Liver Studies; King’s College Hospital; London United Kingdom