1. Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; McMaster University; Hamilton ON Canada
2. Department of Family Medicine; McMaster University; Hamilton ON Canada
3. Department of Surgery; McMaster University; Hamilton ON Canada
4. Surgical Outcomes Research Centre (SOURCE); McMaster University; Hamilton ON Canada
5. Simon Fraser University; Faculty of Health Sciences; Burnaby BC Canada
6. Offord Centre for Child Studies; Hamilton Health Sciences (Chedoke Site); Hamilton ON Canada
7. Department of Kinesiology; Faculty of Applied Health Sciences; University of Waterloo; Waterloo ON Canada
8. Institute for Work and Health; Toronto ON Canada
9. Department of Mathematics and Statistics; McMaster University, Hamilton; ON Canada
10. Occupational Health Clinic for Ontario Workers Inc.; Toronto ON Canada
11. Department of Social and Preventive Medicine; University of Montreal; Research Centre (CR-CHUM); Montreal QC Canada
12. Gage Occupational and Environmental Health Unit; University of Toronto; Toronto ON Canada
13. Ontario Ministry of Labour; Toronto ON Canada