1. Department of Clinical Genetics; Sheffield Children's Hospital; Sheffield UK
2. Struthers Parkinson's Center; Minneapolis Minnesota USA
3. Departments of Psychiatry, Pediatrics, & Neurology; University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine; Iowa City Iowa USA
4. George-Huntington-Institute & Department of Radiology; University of Muenster; Muenster Germany
5. Department for Neurodegeneration; Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tuebingen; Tuebingen Germany
6. Department of Neurology; Maastricht University Medical Center; Maastricht The Netherlands
7. Department of Neurodegenerative Disease; University College London Institute of Neurology, University College London; London UK
8. Department of Neurology, Huntington Centre NRW; Ruhr-University Bochum, St. Josef-Hospital; Bochum Germany
9. Department of Neurology; Leiden University Medical Center Neurology; Leiden The Netherlands
10. Huntington and Rare Diseases Unit; Fondazione Instituto Di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Research Hospital; San Giovanni Rotondo Italy
11. Department of Neurology; University of Ulm; Ulm Germany
12. Swiss HD Center, Neurozentrum Siloah and Department of Neurology; University of Bern; Bern Switzerland