1. References identified as preprints of the 1969 International Conference on Computational Linguistics are available in limited quantities from Dr. Hans Karlgren, KVAL (Research Group for Quantitative Linguistics), Sodermalmstorg 8, Stockholm, Sweden.
2. , , O sisteme semanticheskogo sinteza. III. Obraztsy slovarnykh statej. Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya, Ser. 2, No. 11, 198, pp. 8–21.
3. and , Documentation for an economical program for the limited parsing of English: lexicon, grammar, and flowcharts. IBM San Jose Research Laboratory, San Jose, California, August 16, 1966.
4. The modeling of simple analogic and inductive processes in a semantic memory system. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ed. by D. E. Walker and L. Norton, April 1969, pp. 655–668.
5. I. On the use of linguistic quantifying operators in the logico-semantic structure representation of utterances. International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Preprint No. 28, 1969.