1. A “font” refers to a specific type design or “face.” Headlines in a newspaper are usually of a different “font” than text of the story. Type size, measured in “points,” refers to the height of a letter, not its width. Thus, it is possible to have different size type modeled on the same design (font), and different fonts of the same size: 6, 8, 10, or 12 pt. Bodoni, and then Bodoni, Park Avenue, Cheltenham, or Gothic—all in 12 pt.
2. “Computer-CRT Composition,” Scholarly Publishing 2 (April): 281 (1971).
3. “The Future of Optical Character Recognition,” (in) The Penrose Annual: 1970, London: Lund Humphries Publishers, 107–111 (1970). Single font OCR hardware prices approach $100,000, but there is every reason to believe cost will decline, as with other EDP equipment, after the initial phase.