Towards a Light‐mediated Gene Therapy for the Eye using Caged Ethinylestradiol and the Inducible Cre/lox System


Kiy Zoe1,Chaud Juliane2,Xu Liang3,Brandhorst Eric4,Kamali Tschackad5,Vargas Carolyn678,Keller Sandro678ORCID,Hong Huixiao3ORCID,Specht Alexandre2ORCID,Cambridge Sidney19ORCID


1. Heidelberg University 69120 Heidelberg Germany

2. Laboratoire de Conception et Application de Molécules Bioactives Equipe de Chimie et Neurobiologie Moléculaire Université de Strasbourg CNRS CAMB UMR 7199 67000 Strasbourg France

3. Division of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics National Center for Toxicological Research, U.S. Food and Drug Administration 3900 NCTR Road Jefferson AR 72079 USA

4. Sektion Endokrinologie, Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim 68167 Mannheim Germany

5. Heidelberg Engineering GmbH Max-Jarecki-Straße 8 69115 Heidelberg Germany

6. Biophysics, Institute of Molecular Biosciences (IMB) NAWI Graz University of Graz Humboldtstr. 50/III 8010 Graz Austria

7. BioTechMed-Graz Graz Austria

8. Field of Excellence BioHealth University of Graz Graz Austria

9. Institute for Anatomy II Dr. Senckenberg Anatomy Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main 60590 Frankfurt am Main Germany


AbstractIncreasingly, retinal pathologies are being treated with virus‐mediated gene therapies. To be able to target viral transgene expression specifically to the pathological regions of the retina with light, we established an in vivo photoactivated gene expression paradigm for retinal tissue. Based on the inducible Cre/lox system, we discovered that ethinylestradiol is a suitable alternative to Tamoxifen as ethinylestradiol is more amenable to modification with photosensitive protecting compounds, i.e., “caging.” Identification of ethinylestradiol as a ligand for the mutated human estradiol receptor was supported by in silico binding studies showing the reduced binding of caged ethinylestradiol. Caged ethinylestradiol was injected into the eyes of double transgenic GFAP‐CreERT2 mice with a Cre‐dependent tdTomato reporter transgene followed by irradiation with light of 450 nm. Photoactivation significantly increased retinal tdTomato expression compared to controls. We thus demonstrated a first step towards the development of a targeted, light‐mediated gene therapy for the eyes.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche




General Chemistry,Catalysis







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