On‐Surface Synthesis of Triaza[5]triangulene through Cyclodehydrogenation and its Magnetism


Li Donglin1ORCID,Silveira Orlando J.2ORCID,Matsuda Takuma3,Hayashi Hironobu1ORCID,Maeda Hiromitsu3ORCID,Foster Adam S.24ORCID,Kawai Shigeki15ORCID


1. Center for Basic Research on Materials National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba 305-0047 Japan

2. Department of Applied Physics Aalto University P.O. Box 11100 Aalto, Espoo 00076 Finland

3. Department of Applied Chemistry, College of Life Sciences Ritsumeikan University Kusatsu 525-8577 Japan

4. Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI) Kanazawa University Kanazawa 920-1192 Japan

5. Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences University of Tsukuba Tsukuba 305-8571 Japan


AbstractTriangulenes as neutral radicals are becoming promising candidates for future applications such as spintronics and quantum technologies. To extend the potential of the advanced materials, it is of importance to control their electronic and magnetic properties by multiple graphitic nitrogen doping. Here, we synthesize triaza[5]triangulene on Au(111) by cyclodehydrogenation, and its derivatives by cleaving C−N bonds. Bond‐resolved scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning tunneling spectroscopy provided detailed structural information and evidence for open‐shell singlet ground state. The antiferromagnetic arrangement of the spins in positively doped triaza[5]triangulene was further confirmed by density function theory calculations. The key aspect of triangulenes with multiple graphitic nitrogen is the extra pz electrons composing the π orbitals, favoring charge transfer to the substrate and changing their low‐energy excitations. Our findings pave the way for the exploration of exotic low‐dimensional quantum phases of matter in heteroatom doped organic systems.










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