1. Division of Cardiology; Laboratory of Interventional Cardiology; Ospedale Maggiore Bologna Italy
2. Department of Medicine III; Martin Luther-University; Halle Germany
3. Department of Cardiology; Paracelsus Harz-Clinic; Bad Suderode Germany
4. Heart Center; Turku University Hospital and University of Turku; Turku Finland
5. Department of Surgery; University Hospital; Oulu Finland
6. Heart Center; Satakunta Central Hospital; Pori Finland
7. Department of Cardiology; University Hospital; Alicante Spain
8. Department of Medicine; Division of Cardiology, University Hospital; Helsinki Finland
9. University of Birmingham Centre for Cardiovascular Sciences; City Hospital; Birmingham United Kingdom
10. Division of Cardiology; University Hospital; Oulu Finland
11. Heart Center; University Hospital; Tampere Finland