1. American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee on Quality Management and Departmental Administration.Continuum of depth of sedation: definition of general anesthesia and levels of sedation/analgesia. Position statement last amended on October 23 2019.www.asahq.org/standards‐and‐practice‐parameters/statement‐on‐continuum‐of‐depth‐of‐sedation‐definition‐of‐general‐anesthesia‐and‐levels‐of‐sedation‐analgesia(accessed June 2023).
2. Integrating the Science of Consciousness and Anesthesia
3. Awareness during anaesthesia: a prospective case study
4. Bispectral index monitoring to prevent awareness during anaesthesia: the B-Aware randomised controlled trial
5. The Incidence of Awareness During Anesthesia: A Multicenter United States Study