1. Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital Royal Veterinary College London UK
2. Amicus Veterinary Centre Shirley UK
3. School of Veterinary Medicine University of Central Lancashire Preston UK
AbstractBackgroundThis survey investigated the housing, feeding, health and welfare of backyard chickens kept in the UK.MethodsInformation was collected via an online questionnaire active from May to July 2021. The survey asked about flock demographics, housing, diet, enrichment provision, if the flock was registered with the Animal Plant and Health Agency (APHA) and the reason, preventative health care and biosecurity, and the incidence and methods of euthanasia.ResultsThe majority of flocks (48.8%) consisted of one to five birds, were located in rural areas (58%) and were kept as pets (77%) and/or for eggs (71.6%). Enrichment was provided by 78.4% of keepers. Most respondents (69%) were aware of the Animal Plant and Health Agency poultry registration scheme, with 32.8% being registered with the scheme. Kitchen scraps were fed by 29% of keepers. Veterinary services were used by 63.6% of keepers, although 4% said they struggled to find a veterinarian willing to treat backyard poultry. New additions to the flock were isolated by 70.2% of keepers.LimitationsThe survey was distributed through poultry‐specific Facebook groups and via chicken rescue centres, so it is not a truly random sample of backyard chicken keepers. All survey‐based studies have an inherent element of subjectivity.ConclusionsThe survey identified biosecurity, humane euthanasia training, veterinary training in backyard poultry medicine, and enrichment provision as areas where improvements can be made to improve poultry health and welfare and reduce the risks of infectious disease transmission.
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