1. Institute of Tissue Medicine and Pathology University of Bern Bern Switzerland
2. Department of Pathology Radboudumc Nijmegen the Netherlands
3. Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Complex Systems University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland Fribourg Switzerland
4. Institute of Pathology Friedrich‐Alexander‐University Erlangen‐Nuremberg Klinikum Bayreuth Bayreuth Germany
5. Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Mount Sinai Hospital University of Toronto Toronto Ontario Canada
6. Pathology and Data Analytics Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St. James's School of Medicine Leeds UK
7. Institute of Pathology Kantonsspital Baselland Liestal Switzerland
8. Institut und Praxis für Pathologie, Neuropathologie, Molekulare Diagnostik und Zytologie Sozialstiftung Bamberg Bamberg Germany
9. Department of Pathology and Immunology Baylor College of Medicine Houston Texas USA
10. Clinical Trials Unit University of Bern Bern Switzerland