1. Department of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Institute of Physiology; Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; Videnska 1083 14220 Prague 4 Czech Republic
2. Department of Composites and Carbon Materials Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics; Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; V Holesovickach 41, 18209 Prague 8 Czech Republic
3. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Czech Technical University in Prague; Technicka 4, 16607 Prague 6, and Laboratory of Extreme Loading, Dept. Anatomy and Biomechanics, Charles University in Prague, Jose Martiho 31, 162 52 Prague 6 Czech Republic
4. Polymer Chemistry and Biomaterials (PBM) Group Department of Organic Chemistry; Ghent University; Campus Sterre, Krijgslaan 281 S4, 9000 Gent Belgium
5. ELMARCO; Svarovska 621, 46010 Liberec 10 Czech Republic
6. Department of Biomaterials and Bioanalogous Polymer Systems Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry; Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; Heyrovsky Sq. 2, 16206 Prague 6 Czech Republic
7. Center for Microsystems Technology (CMST); ELIS, imec; Technologiepark 914A, 9052 Gent Belgium
8. Functional Nanomaterials, Institute for Materials Science Faculty of Engineering; Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel; Kaiserstr. 2, 24143 Kiel Germany
9. Department of Analytical Chemistry; Ghent University; Krijgslaan 281 S12, 9000 Gent Belgium
10. Institute of Physics; Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic; Cukrovarnicka 10, 16200 Prague 6 Czech Republic