Body painting, ultrasound, clinical examination, and peer‐teaching: A student‐centered approach to enhance musculoskeletal anatomy learning


Bilella Alessandro12,Eppler Elisabeth2ORCID,Link Karl1,Filgueira Luis1


1. Anatomy University of Fribourg Fribourg Switzerland

2. Institute of Anatomy University of Bern Bern Switzerland


AbstractThe presented course, established 2016 as a compulsory elective for 22nd‐year bachelor medical students, aimed to enhance deep learning of upper and lower limb anatomy from a clinical perspective by a maximum of student‐centered activities combining hands‐on skills training with team‐learning. Three cohorts (in total 60 students) participated in this study. Students rotated through body painting, ultrasound, and clinical investigation supervised by faculty or an experienced clinician. Teams of 3‐4 students prepared presentations on clinical anatomy and pathological conditions, which by teacher‐ and peer assessments on average achieved >85% (mean 17.8/20 points ± 1.06). After each activity session, the students reported their learning experience through a reflective diary. Fifty students (83%) evaluated the course by a voluntary anonymous questionnaire combining Likert‐type scale and free‐text questions to assess, predominantly, perception of course activities and their perceived influence on learning anatomy. Journal reports and questionnaires revealed that the students highly valued the course, and 92% (29 females, 17 males) rated group work satisfying or well‐perceived. The highest appreciation achieved ultrasound followed by clinical examination and body painting, which one third proposed to integrate into the regular dissection course. All students recommended the course to their younger peers. This course was feasible to integrate in the pre‐existing curriculum. Limiting factors to offer this elective course to more students are availability of clinical teachers, technical equipment, and education rooms. Being student‐directed tasks, body painting and reflective diary‐writing would be feasible to implement without additional faculty, which we recommend to educators for student engagement activation.




Embryology,General Medicine,Histology,Anatomy







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