Rituximab for myasthenia gravis


Dodd Katherine C12,Clay Fiona J3,Forbes Anne-Marie4,Keh Yann Shern56,Miller James AL7,Sussman Jon8,Lilleker James B29


1. Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology; University of Manchester; Manchester UK

2. Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences; Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust; Salford UK

3. Department of Forensic Medicine; Monash University; Southbank Australia

4. University of Tasmania; Hobart Australia

5. Department of Neuromuscular Diseases; National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, University College London NHS Foundation Trust; London UK

6. Manchester Centre for Clinical Neurosciences ; Salford Royal; Salford UK

7. c/o Department of Neurology, Royal Victoria Infirmary; Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Newcastle upon Tyne UK

8. Greater Manchester Neurosciences Centre; Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust; Salford, Manchester UK

9. Centre for Musculoskeletal Research, DMDS; The University of Manchester; Manchester UK




Pharmacology (medical)

Reference58 articles.

1. Response to treatment of myasthenia gravis according to clinical subtype;Akaishi;BMC Neurology,2016

2. Task Force on MG Study Design of the Medical Scientific Advisory Board of the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America. Recommendations for myasthenia gravis clinical trials;Benatar;Muscle & Nerve,2012

3. The MG Composite: a valid and reliable tool for myasthenia gravis;Burns;Neurology,2010

4. The MG-QOL 15 for following health-related quality of life of patients with myasthenia gravis;Grouse;Muscle & Nerve

5. A systematic review of population based epidemiological studies in myasthenia gravis;Carr;BMC Neurology,2010








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