1. Children's Hospital, University of Cologne; Pediatric Oncology and Hematology; Kerpener Str. 62 Cologne NW Germany 50937
2. Dead-Sea and Arava Science Center, Dead Sea Branch; Lot Spa Hotel, the Dead Sea Ein Bokek Israel 86930
3. Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka; Department of Dermatovenerology; Kresimirova 42 Rijeka Croatia 51000
4. University in Rijeka; School of Medicine; Rijeka Croatia
5. King's College London; Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine; Flat 24, 71G Drayton Park London UK N5 1DT
6. Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Department of Dermatology; Gudrunstrasse 56 Bochum Germany 44791